Discover a healing community that will leave you feeling vitalized and motivated in your practice with a knowledge to guide couples and individual towards a profound growth.
Is creating lasting and healthy relationships part of your career path?
Over 30 years as a Master Imago Trainer, Dr. Maya Kollman's heart-focused, caring and intentional training style will guide you towards your own journey of transforming the hearts and minds of people in all types of relationships.
Become part of the Imago Community and learn the tools and techniques that have guided thousands of people to uncover the root problems and patterns fueling most conflict and disconnection.

Imago Therapy is a highly effective method of working with individuals and couples to teach them to expand their relational connection so they can heal, grow and thrive.
Take your career to the next level...deepen your clinical knowledge, grow your business and expand your own personal journey.
How is Imago different?
Imago is a unique, nonjudgmental and empathic model with that takes a relational vs. an individual problem-solving approach for clients to take home.
Imago therapy integrates and synthesizes the insights of the major western psychological systems, current neuroscience and spiritual disciplines into a uniquely comprehensive and systematic theory of all relationships.
Couples and individual leave their first session with a sense of transformation, hope and a clear direction towards self and other discovery.
Imago theory and practice moves beyond traditional psychology into a new field called Relationality and the Building of Relational Competence.
Basic Courses:
Imago Clinical Training
Advanced Courses:
The Attuned Therapist
Despair to Repair
Giving and Receiving
Characterological Growth
Journey of Change
Growing in Competence
15 Commitments
Workshop Presenter's Course: Presenting the GTLYW
Singles Workshop Course: Presenting the KTLYF

Imago North America Faculty - 2018
Sept. 6,7 and 27, 28, 2024
Workshop Presenter Training
February 19-23, 2025
June 12-15 2025
Sept 25-28 2025